Accreditations and Certification 



To demonstrate our commitment to Quality, Environmental Issues and Health and Safety GSS made a decision seek ISO accreditation and to integrate these systems in a single management system. This system is accessed by staff members through a dedicated intranet website.

Customers benefit from this integrated management system by the provision of a Quality Assured, Environmentally Sensitive and Safe service provision. Assurance is confirmed through the regular monitoring and testing of the system by external auditors. These drivers ensure we strive to constantly improve our methods and provide more value to our customers. 


ISO9001 – Certificate Number 0120005

Date of First Registration - 1st August 1994 – Valid Until - 28 October 2024

To the following scope: Suppliers of labour, equipment and technical support for marine based construction, harbour and jetty maintenance.


ISO14001 – Certificate Number 0120003

Date of First Registration - 29th October 2018 – Valid Until - 28th October 2024

To the following scope: Suppliers of labour, equipment and technical support for marine based construction, harbour and jetty maintenance.


ISO45001 – Certificate Number 0120004

Date of First Registration – 16 October 19 – Valid Until – 28 October 2024

To the following scope: suppliers of labour, equipment and technical support for marine based construction, harbour and jetty maintenance.


Constructionline Gold – Certificate Number 47607

Issued  – 12 May 2022

For many years we have been registered with Constructionline, the UK’s largest register of local and national pre-qualified construction related services. Each applicant is thoroughly vetted prior to certification to ensure compliance with local and national government requirements along with compliance with major construction company requirements. Constructionline Gold demonstrates our organisation has been subjected to increased scrutiny around governance and risk management.

* When this certificate is available this title section may be redesigned if all certificate numbers are the same.


Construction Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS)

Valid Until – 14th February 2023

CHAS is a pre-approval scheme, which allows us to demonstrate to potential clients that we meet their required health and safety standards. CHAS assessed our Health & Safety Policy Statement, the organisation of our Health and Safety and that our specific Health and Safety arrangements are to a standard acceptable to CHAS's buyers and to


Acclaim Safety Scheme – Certificate Number – 47607

Valid Until 28th April  2023

Acclaim Accreditation is a Health and Safety accreditation service for Constructionline and provided by Supplier Assessment Services and involves an online assessment of a company's Health and Safety documentation and work activities as an independent competent assurance of the systems in place.




National Workboat Association (NWA)

Membership Valid Until 31st December 2022

Set up in 1994 to facilitate industry input to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s Workboat Code of Practice, the NWA led the review and revision of the 2nd Edition Workboat Code issued by the MCA in December 2018. The NWA continues to represent the industry in the formulation of Certification Requirements, Safety Forums, Good Practice Guides, Training and Apprenticeships.


Association of Diving Contractors - Full Membership (ADC)

                   Certificate Number FM131 – Valid Until 31st December 2021                                                               

Our ADC membership ensures our competency as a Diving Contractor as we have demonstrated that we are capable of safely carrying out the designated task.

ADC assists by:

  • Conducting annual desk audits on all members.
  • Keeping members informed of safety issues.
  • Encouraging best practice.
  • Applying disciplinary functions when members fail to maintain safety standards.

Marine Safety Forum

Membership Valid During 2021

The Marine Safety Forum is a non-profit-making organisation that actively promotes good practice and initiatives to enhance safety within the marine sector of the Oil and Gas industry. The work of the Marine Safety Forum is primarily carried out by “workgroups” which concentrate on a specific topic. The Workgroup reports to the Steering Group with the eventual aim that a “Good Practice” regarding the specific issue is published for the benefit of industry. Details of all current Workgroups are available.


Harbourmaster Association of the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

Membership Valid Until 31st March 2023

The main objective of the Association is to encourage the safe and efficient conduct of marine operations in ports. Membership of this association facilitates communications between those managing ports and harbours and us as users.




